Get SMART, a great health plan for small businesses
April 20, 2020-
Are you looking for a health plan that can give you more rate stability and even more ways to save? You’ve got it.

Welcome to the Georgia Chamber SMART Plan! A great healthcare solution that gives small businesses like yours an easier, more affordable way to offer healthcare to your employees, with a lot less worry. How? Easy!
The Georgia Chamber has teamed up with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) to offer small business employers with at least two employees enrolled on their medical plan, but no more than 50 eligible employees, an opportunity to participate in a larger, self-funded pool. In addition, businesses must be a member of one of the Chamber
Associations affiliated with the Georgia Chamber Federation.
This way, they can join together to share in the overall claims risk and have financial protection backed by Anthem. Pretty smart, right?
Learn more in this short video about GA Chamber SMART plans.
Promoting the Georgia Chamber SMART Plan (SMART) is easier with this flier/FAQs and social media post.
Promoting the Georgia Chamber SMART Plan (SMART) is easier with this flier/FAQs and social media post.
The product guide and product grids provide an overview of our plans, products, and services. Here's a quick comparison guide to help you compare Georgia Chamber SMART and Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care plans.
Help your clients save on their medical rates when they add on Specialty coverage.
Benefit summaries
Benefit summaries outline the basics of an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan, providing quick references to deductibles, coinsurance amounts, limitations, and exclusions when members receive covered services. Refer to the plan certificates for more complete explanation of the specific services covered in a plan.
Guidelines for selling SMART plans to small groups
This guide will help you better understand our Small Group Underwriting Guidelines for Georgia Chamber SMART plans. What’s inside includes general information on SMART plans, documentation requirements, how to get enrollment started, and important contact information.
Quoting new groups
- To submit a quote, follow the quoting steps on Producer Toolbox. Refer to our quick tips when quoting.
- For groups with 1 – 4 members, have each member complete this English medical questionnaire or Spanish medical questionnaire and upload through Producer Toolbox.
- Anthem Quote Census (please open in Internet Explorer (IE)).
Enrolling groups
To enroll a group, all forms must be completed by the employer group and submitted as one package to their broker. Brokers then need to fill out the enrollment forms on Producer Toolbox based on the provided Employer forms.
Adobe Sign is an alternative software program allowing employer groups and brokers to sign forms electronically. The software includes the Employer Enrollment Application, EFT form, Product Dues and Acknowledgement form, Participation Agreement form and Employer Plan Document bundled together for quick and easy electronic completion.
In addition, based on your employer groups needs you may need to complete the following documents and upload to Producer Toolbox.
- HSA Questionnaire (when using PNC as your HSA banking option)
- Wage and Tax forms (new groups to Anthem only)
- Benefit Modification Form (renewing or off-cycle groups wanting to add new Dental, Vision, Life, and/or Disability coverage on an existing Anthem plan)
- Anthem Quote Census (please open in Internet Explorer (IE)).
NEW Membership census for groups moving from ACA to MEWA.
Download Census Tool:
Census Materials:
East Region Materials:
Contact our software support team at 888-268-4361 or your Small Group sales representative for help when using the system.