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Check Out The Advantages Of Anthem Dental Family PPO Plans
Our dental family PPO plans cover everyone — children and adults
Instead of an annual benefit maximum, children have an out-of-pocket maximum: $375 per child ($750 per family) in a year*
There are no waiting periods on the services included in the Pediatric Dental Essential Health Benefit (EHB)
Families will not be charged more than $375 for one child, and capped at $750 per family*
*In Connecticut, $350 per child and $750 per family
There are no annual or lifetime benefit limits for pediatric-age kids
You will not be charged premiums on more than three children

Costs for covered services may increase when you visit a dentist outside the network. Save money by choosing a provider in your plan.
For plan details, check out our dental family PPO insurance options today.