RX Networks for California

Find A Participating Pharmacy

Discover listings of the retail pharmacies participating in our pharmacy networks.


For Rx Choice and Base Networks, you can also find Retail 90 and Rx Maintenance 90 pharmacies to get up to a 90-day supply of your medicine. If you have Rx Maintenance 90 and use CVS Pharmacy, you can get a 90-day supply of any covered drug and pay your home delivery rate.

Access Pharmacy Network

Anthem Pharmacy Networks

Performance Network (Includes Retail 90)


Available as a CarelonRx core pharmacy network, the Performance Network includes nearly 40,000 independent and well-known retail pharmacies and big box stores across the country.


Access Performance Pharmacy Network 

Advantage Network (Includes Retail 90 And Rx Maintenance 90)


Available as a CarelonRx core pharmacy network, the Advantage Network includes nearly 58,000 independent and well-known retail pharmacies and big box stores across the country.


Access Advantage Network 

Rx Choice Network (Includes Retail 90 And Rx Maintenance 90)


With the Rx Choice Network, you can choose from two levels of coverage, helping to provide both savings and access:

  • Level 1: You can get prescriptions filled at Level 1 pharmacies for the same copay or percentage of the drug costs you usually pay as part of your prescription drug plan.
  • Level 2: For an extra copay or percentage of the drug cost (depending on your benefit), you have more choices with Level 2 pharmacies, no matter which drug you fill.


Access Rx Choice Network 

Base Pharmacy Network (Includes Retail 90 And Rx Maintenance 90)


The Base Network is our national pharmacy network and includes over 62,000 retail pharmacies across the country.


California Base Pharmacy Network 

Specialty Pharmacy Network


Members taking specialty drugs may need to get their prescription filled at an in-network specialty pharmacy for their drug to be covered under their pharmacy or medical benefit.


 Access Specialty Pharmacy Network

Hemophilia Drug Therapy Network


CVS Pharmacy Specialty and Hemophilia Treatment Centers on the list are considered in-network and will give you lower costs for your Factor treatment under the medical benefit.


 Access Hemophilia Drug Therapy Network